Latest Episodes

#1648: Tom Shachtman’s “The Founding Fortunes” | The Book Show
In the new book, “The Founding Fortunes,” historian Tom Shachtman reveals the ways in which a dozen notable Revolutionaries deeply affected the finances and...

#1649: Erik Larson’s “The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz,” | The Book Show
Erik Larson is known for expertly transporting readers to past worlds. Even stories we think we know come to life in a different way...

#1647: Gish Jen’s “The Resisters” | The Book Show
In Gish Jen’s latest “The Resisters,” we meet Gwen who has a Golden Arm and finds herself happily playing in an underground baseball league...

#1646: Lydia Davis’ “Essays One” | The Book Show
Lydia Davis is a writer whose originality, influence, and wit are beyond compare. Best known for her masterful short stories and translations, Davis’ gifts...

#1645: T. C. Boyle’s “Outside Looking In” | The Book Show
T.C. Boyle’s novel, “Outside Looking In,” takes readers back to the 1960s and to the early days of LSD. The book tells the story...

#1644: Archer Mayor’s “Bomber’s Moon” | The Book Show
Archer Mayor is the author of the critically-acclaimed series of police novels feature Lt. Joe Gunther of the Brattleboro, Vermont, police department. In Mayor’s...